Town and Country Garden Club of Lancaster- Wednesday, November 6, 2019 Meeting
Bachman Center at Homestead Village 633 Community Way
Town and Country Garden Club of Lancaster welcomes guest speaker Brenda Sieglitz, Keystone 10 Million Trees Partnership Manager, on Wednesday, November 6, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. when she will present “How 10 Million Trees will Impact Pennsylvania’s Environment and Economy”. The Keystone 10 Million Trees Partnership is a collaborative effort of national, regional, state and local agencies, conservation organizations, outdoors enthusiasts, businesses, and citizens committed to improving Pennsylvania's communities, economy, and ecology by planting 10 million trees throughout the Commonwealth.
This informative program will include a history of the project and the types of partners who are collaborating to achieve this monumental goal. Brenda will discuss ways in which our environment and economy will benefit from this undertaking to improve life in our county and beyond into the Chesapeake Bay.
Town and Country Garden Club of Lancaster meets in the Bachman Center at Homestead Village, 633 Community Way, Lancaster, PA 17603. There is a $5.00 donation for non-members. For more information about events, bus trips or monthly meetings, please visit or call Joyce at (717) 898-0229.