OUR COSMIC BALLET - Jackie Faherty
Stretansky Concert Hall, Susquehanna University Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania
Claritas Distinguished Speaker in the Sciences presents "OUR COSMIC BALLET" by Jackie Faherty.
Jackie Faherty is a senior scientist and senior education manager in the American Museum of Natural History’s Department of Astrophysics and the Department of Education. Faherty will guide her audience through cutting-edge visualizations of the most spectacular astronomical dataset of our time—a virtual tour of hundreds of millions of stars, highlighting astronomers’ revolutionary scientific progress. Her presentation will reveal the history of our galaxy, from recent stellar flybys to long-ago Milky Way mergers. Working at the forefront of brown dwarf and exoplanet studies, Faherty has written more than 80 peer-reviewed papers on the topic and won numerous top awards and grants. She co-runs the dynamic research group Brown Dwarfs in New York City and the popular citizen science project Backyard Worlds, and is a leading expert in visualizing astronomical data.