Choral Concert
First Reformed (UCC) Church E. Orange Street, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Lancaster Chamber Singers To Perform Handel’s Messiah
On Friday December 7 at 7:00 p.m., the Lancaster Chamber Singers will perform the Christmas portion of G. F. Handel’s Messiah. The concert will be performed in a dynamic Baroque style and held at First Reformed [United Church of Christ] Church, 40 East Orange Street, Lancaster, PA.
In addition to orchestral accompaniment, the choir welcomes distinguished soloists – Lauren Jordan, soprano; Amy Yovanovich, mezzo-soprano; Jeffrey Fahnestock, tenor and John Darrenkamp, bass/baritone. In addition to the Christmas portion of the Messiah, the concert will include The Hallelujah Chorus and Worthy is the Lamb.
The Lancaster Chamber Singers, under the direction of Jay W. Risser, have been performing for over thirty years, primarily in venues throughout the county.
Seating for this concert is limited. Tickets for this special performance are $20.00 for adults, $10.00 for students and children 12 or under are free. Tickets may be ordered by calling (717) 330-9025 or by mailing a check and a self addressed stamped envelope to – Lancaster Chamber Singers P.O. Box 9034, Lancaster, PA 17604.
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Price: $20.00 - adults $10.00 - students