When it comes to decorating and organizing, I tend to focus on areas of my home that are seen by other people, because well...that just makes good sense. But what about a space just for you? What about a place, no matter how big or small, that provides a place for you to get ready to tackle your day?
Here are a few simple tips for creating a personal space whether it be in your bedroom, a vanity area, bedside table or even just a chair...a “me” space can be a place that provides some peace, positivity, and confidence in your day.
- Organization: “Clutter smothers, simplicity breathes.” Love this quote! Toss out old makeup, containers, even accessories that you don’t use anymore. Invest in some inexpensive containers or even old candle jars, bowls, etc. to organize. Only keep what you love!
- Candles: Pick your favorite scent and burn it while you’re getting ready at the beginning or end of the day...or both! An instant mood booster!
- Positive words: Surround yourself with positive words, quotes, pictures of loved ones, etc. What we put into our brains matter, and surrounding yourself with the things you love most is a sure way to keep your spirits lifted.
- Flowers: Flowers are my favorite! They are a relatively inexpensive luxury. Whether they are real flowers you grab from the market or a small succulent from the greenhouse...adding an element of “life” to your personal space is good for the soul.
- Bright & airy: If possible, set your space up near a window where you can enjoy natural light or even a breeze during the appropriate season. Fresh air and sunshine never disappoint.
Everyone has a different home and space to work with, but hopefully you can use a few of these tips to carve out even a small space in your home that says “‘mine” and provides you with an extra dose of “happy” each day!