This is the question that was asked to area chiropractors to determine who deserves the distinction of Select Chiropractors™ status. Susquehanna Style’s Select Chiropractors™ list is based on a peer-review survey conducted by Select Professionals™ utilizing Polk-Lepson Market Research Group of York, PA. Participants cast nominations honoring excellence in chiropractic services. Professionals are screened and selected through the verification of licensing and review of any infractions through various applicable boards, agencies and rating services.
Thomas E. Becker DC | Becker Chiropractic 501 Market St | Lemoyne (717) 763-7711 | www.beckerchiropractic.com Matthew S. Boland DC East Shore Medical & Pain Management 915 N Mountain Rd # C | Harrisburg (717) 652-6450 | www.doctorboland.com Jack Herd DC | Herd Chiropractic Clinic 2704 Market St | Camp Hill (717) 737-1681 | www.herdclinic.com Paul R. Hetrick DC | The Hetrick Center 845 Sir Thomas Court | Harrisburg (717) 652-4002 | www.hetrickcenter.com Melanie A Kolback DC | Kolback Chiropractic 5916 Linglestown Road | Harrisburg (717) 545-2525 | www.kolbackchiropractic.com David Madeira DC | Madeira Chiropractic 114 Prince Street | Harrisburg (717) 545-4545 | www.davechiro.com Julie M. Niedwick DC | Madeira Chiropractic 2507 Gettysburg Rd | Camp Hill (717) 766-9700 James Spertzel DC | Chiropractic Fitness Clinics 1458 Holly Pike | Carlisle | (717) 258-6784
David M Eisenberg DC | Wenger Chiropractic 1516 Lititz Pike | Lancaster (717) 397-5810 | www.wengerchiropractic.com Irene Fuller DC | Chiro Plus 93A W Main St | Leola | (717) 656-5422 Rustin Glass DC | Advanced Chiropractic and Rehab 900 Centerville Rd Ste B | Lancaster (717) 898-8900 John Grandizio DC | Solanco Chiropractic 215 W 4th St # 107 | Quarryville (717) 786-3300 Gary J. Greve DC | Elanco Chiropractic & Rehabilitation 1907 Division Hwy | Ephrata (717) 355-5000 | www.elancochiropractic.com Clayton D. Hollinger DC | Wenger Chiropractic 1516 Lititz Pike | Lancaster (717) 397-5810 | www.wengerchiropractic.com David E. Jemison DC | Jemison Family Chiropractic 148 N Prince St | Lancaster | (717) 291-2233 Richard Koons DC | Koons Chiropractic Center 2234 W Cumberland St | Lebanon (717) 273-3741 William Kraft DC | Kraft Chiropractic Center 501 S 9th St | Columbia | (717) 684-9165 Serena K. Kurtz DC | Wenger Chiropractic 1516 Lititz Pike | Lancaster (717) 397-5810 | www.wengerchiropractic.com Christopher Lee DC | Wenger Chiropractic 1516 Lititz Pike | Lancaster (717) 397-5810 | www.wengerchiropractic.com C. Tyler Mandel DC | C Tyler Mandel 2827 Marietta Ave | Lancaster | (717) 898-2400 Douglas L. Meints DC | Thrive Lancaster 2106 Spring Valley Rd | Lancaster (717) 517-8960 | www.thrivelancaster.com Jay L. Morris DC | Morris Chiropractic 115 E Walnut St | Lebanon | (717) 272-0933 Leah V. Reiff DC 738 Saint Joseph St | Lancaster (215) 527-8014 Keith Sheehan DC | Sheehan Chiropractic and Nutritional Wellness Center 1301 East King Street | Lancaster www.sheehanchiropractic.com Chris Suhrbier DC | Suhrbier Chiropractic Clinic 480 W Lincoln Ave | Myerstown | (717) 866-9686 Pierre W. Suhrbier DC | Suhrbier Chiropractic Clinic 51 E Main Street | Ephrata | (717) 733-2609 Dennis E. Taylor DC | Elanco Chiropractic & Rehabilitation 1907 Division Hwy | Ephrata (717) 355-5000 | www.elancochiropractic.com Lawrence T. Withum DC | Wenger Chiropractic 1516 Lititz Pike | Lancaster (717) 397-5810 | www.wengerchiropractic.com
Sean E. Holder DC 317 Carlisle Ave | York (717) 848-2236 Kevin J. Jackson DC DC | Sigafoose and Jackson Chiropractic 2816 E Market St | York (717) 757-5731 | www.sigafoosejackson.com Kevin Owens DC | Chiropractic Athletic Center 1785 Loucks Rd | York (717) 767-4151 | www.chiropracticathleticcenter.com Michael P. Walker DC | Walker Chiropractic 211 Dart Dr | Hanover | (717) 632-9214