1 of 20
Melissa Pilat, Karen King, Janet Potter, Natalie Potter
2 of 20
Peggy Denny, Leslie Delp
3 of 20
Vickie & Harry Friedman
4 of 20
Kris McElligott & Chelsea Powers
5 of 20
Rick & Shelley Friedland
6 of 20
Dana Poster, Paula Samuels
7 of 20
Kelly Spillane, Michael Doran, Kathy Bowen
8 of 20
Gina Kruper, Joanne Jellison
9 of 20
Providence Spotts, Susan Creep, Georgia Smith, Evie Rahauser & Amanda Brumbaugh
10 of 20
Whitney Bellomo, Natalie Potter
11 of 20
Toni Thompson
12 of 20
Melissa Pilat, Natalie Potter
13 of 20
Allison Braucher, Jon & Madeleine Smith
14 of 20
Leslie Delp, Lyndsay Edwards
15 of 20
Melissa Pilat, Leslie Delp, Natalie Potter, KC Delp & Jim Poster
16 of 20
Peggy Denny, Leslie Delp, Jess Yaden, Ken Delp, KC Delp, Lyndsay Edwards & Joe Silbaugh III
17 of 20
Maria Reyes, Erin Shrader, Sharon Harig & Kristina McClure
18 of 20
Casi Babinchak
19 of 20
Cori Brindle & Lonnie Friedman
20 of 20