Paid Social Media Marketing: Boost Posts & Beyond
Pennsylvania College of Art & Design N. Prince Street, Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17603
Paid Social Media Marketing: Boost Posts & Beyond
WS 100, Thursday, September 28
9 a.m. - 12 p.m., $60
Kris Bradley
Social Media Advertising is becoming an increasingly important piece of businesses overall marketing strategy. In this class, you'll get a 30,000-foot view of the basics of social media advertising and learn more about social media advertising tactics. We'll focus on why you should use social ads to promote your business and how you can setup social media ads for success. We'll also create a Facebook and Instagram campaign so that you can get hands on experience with what that process looks like. After attending this class, you'll have a better grasp on the basics of social media advertising and you'll better understand how to focus, research, and measure your social media ad campaigns.