We know that physical health is more than just eating the right foods and working out regularly–especially when it comes to respiratory health. Many people don’t think about the importance of their lung health until they experience a breathing problem or other issue.
Your lungs provide oxygen and keep every other organ functioning by removing carbon dioxide from your body. While genetics and disease can affect the health of your lungs, there are simple things you can do each day that will actually help keep your lungs healthy and functioning at the top of their game.
We’re sharing six simple tips for healthy lungs this fall that you can start today for strong and healthy lungs.
1. Practice Deep Breathing
Deep breathing is a technique used to help reach your lungs’ full capacity.
As you slowly inhale, consciously expand your belly while making an effort to lower your diaphragm. Next, expand your ribs, allowing them to pull open like wings. Finally, allow the upper chest to expand and lift up. During your exhale, allow your chest to fall, contract your ribs, and bring your stomach muscles in and up to lift the diaphragm and release all of the air in your lungs.
After a few weeks of practicing regular deep breathing, you’ll notice your breaths feel fuller and your oxygen richer.
2. Count your Breaths
In addition to deep breathing, counting your breaths is a great way to increase your lungs’ capacity. Counting your breaths increases the length of your inhales and exhales gradually.
First, start with counting how long a normal breath takes you. For example, if you naturally inhale for 4 counts, your exhale should be the same number. After assessing your current breath count, try adding one more count to your breathing until you can comfortably extend to that new length. As that feels easier and easier, add another count and so on.
Don’t push your lungs past straining or discomfort, but use this practice as a tool to strengthen your lungs over time.
3. Be Aware of your Posture
Did you know that your posture can affect how well your lungs are–or aren’t–functioning? Because lungs are made up of soft tissue, they only use the space you give them.
Remember to watch your posture and give your lungs space to work their best to increase your lungs’ capacity and function. Try to sit up tall and reach overhead once or twice a day to make more room for your lungs and to improve your posture.
4. Stay Hydrated
The importance of staying hydrated is not new news regarding your health, but you may not realize hydration affects your lungs and how well they operate. Staying well-hydrated by taking in fluids throughout the day helps keep the mucosal linings in the lungs thin, allowing the lungs to function at their best.
Drink up!
5. Laugh
As if we didn’t need another reason to enjoy some laughter in our days, laughing is actually a great way to exercise your lungs and work the abdominal muscles, ultimately increasing your lungs’ capacity. Laughing also clears out your lungs, meaning stale air that has been trapped deep in your lungs gets released and new, fresh air has more room to enter.
6. Stay Active
Staying active and participating in regular exercise help keep your lungs in their best shape. By moving daily and conditioning your lungs, not only do you keep your lungs healthy, but you also enjoy so many additional health benefits, from a healthier heart and stronger muscles to an overall enhanced mood.
Try to get at least 30 minutes of consistent movement daily, which could include anything from walking your dog or running around with kids to hitting the gym, participating in a sport, or any other form of movement you enjoy.