Town and Country Garden Club of Lancaster- Wednesday, March 6, 2019 Meeting
Bachman Center at Homestead Village 633 Community Way
Town and Country Garden Club of Lancaster welcomes guest speaker Petra Page-Mann from Fruition Seeds LLC on Wednesday, March 6, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. Petra will give a presentation on “Fruition Seeds: Organic Seed for the Northeast”.
Have you ever looked at a packet of seeds you are about to plant only to find they were produced in a region far away from the one in which you live? Fruition Seeds, an organic seed company located on the Finger Lakes in upstate New York, was founded by Petra Page-Mann and Matthew Goldfarb in 2012. The flower, fruit, and vegetable seeds they nurture are selected for performing well in growing conditions specific to the short, cool, moist growing season of the northeast. On five acres of leased land, in an area not known for seed-growing, the pair produces and sells more than 60 varieties of seeds.
Town and Country Garden Club of Lancaster meets in the Bachman Center at Homestead Village, 633 Community Way, Lancaster, PA 17603. There is a $5.00 donation for non-members. For more information about events, bus trips or monthly meetings, please visit or call Joyce at (717) 898-0229.