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Bellaboo, Lancaster, PA, bellabooonline.com / Collage, York, PA, collageofyork.com / Cork Collection, Lancaster, PA, shopcorkcollection.com / Details, Lancaster, PA, detailslancaster.com / Ellicott & Co., Lancaster, PA, ellicott.co / Futer Bros. Jewelers, York, PA, futerbrosjewelers.com / Koser Jewelers, Mount Joy, PA, koserjewelers.com / K Novinger Jewelry, Lemoyne, PA, knovingerjewelry.com / Madcap & Co., Lancaster, PA, madcapandco.com / Mise en Place, Lancaster, PA, miseenplacekitchenstore.com / Mountz Jewelers, Camp Hill, Carlisle, and Harrisburg, PA, mountzjewelers.com / Nan Gunnett & Co., Hummelstown, PA, nangunnettco.com / Snazzy Giraffe, Mechanicsburg, PA, snazzygiraffe.com / Susan’s Treasures, Lemoyne, PA, susanstreasures.com