Picnic: An outing or occasion that involves taking a packed meal to be eaten outdoors. When you hear these words, memories of picnics at grandma’s house or trips to the park as a kid may come to mind. But worry not; picnics are not just for kids these days. Picnics are the perfect way to enjoy two of our favorite things: the great outdoors and food! Picnics allow every person to enjoy exactly what they want, but to create that perfect picnic feast, always refer to the seasonal pickings. Whether it’s spring, summer or fall, seasonal produce is a surefire way to please any picnic goer.
Everyone knows fall is all about the great pumpkin. Pumpkin spice this and pumpkin pie that. Although these mainstream treats are great, try some of these pumpkin recipes and items that are easy on the go, making them the perfect fall picnic staples.
Curried pumpkin soup with coconut is a winner in our books. Whether warmed up or eaten cold, this recipe gives pumpkin soup a whole new meaning. (https://naturallyella.com/curried-pumpkin-and-coconut-soup/)
This pumpkin vinaigrette recipe may become your new go to for dressings. If you’re not a lover of rice salad, use this on any time of fresh collard green. (http://susquehannastyle.com/food/recipes/pumpkin-pleasers/)
Not only are these pumpkin cheddar muffins great for picnics, your friends will be begging you to bring these to every dinner party this fall. (http://katieatthekitchendoor.com/2012/09/20/pumpkin-cheddar-muffins/#comments)
For the adults, try this locally brewed seasonal pumpkin ale for a refreshingly pumpkin kick. (http://www.sbcbeer.com/beer_product/pumpkin-ale).