The school buses are back on the road and our kids are making their way back into the classroom. This time of year always takes me back to my childhood and the "talk" my dad would have with us on the eve of our first day of school each year. He would sit all four of us down and remind us to do three things...
1. Do our best.
2. Sit up front.
3. Be a friend to the person no one else wants to be friends with.
Even as a 39-year-old woman, with kids of my own, his words still resound within my mind as I live my daily life. It got me thinking about all the different tidbits of advice I've been given or learned throughout the years. So here are my ABC's of life advice.
A- Association is everything. You become who you associate with.
B- Be YOU.
C- Count your blessings.
D- Don't give up what you want most for what you want now.
E- Enthusiasm is contagious.
F- Forgive, but don't always forget.
G- Get on with it. Stop wasting time thinking about it and just do it.
H- Have no regrets.
I- If you love someone, tell them often.
J- Just do your best.
K- Kill them with kindness.
L- Learn to cheer for yourself.
M- Make eye contact. Stop to really look someone in the eye.
N- Nothing changes, if nothing changes.
O- Open your mouth less, open your ears more.
P- Put yourself in the other person's shoes.
Q- Quiet yourself long enough to hear what your heart really has to say.
R- Readers are leaders.
S- Sleep on it.
T- Try not to take anything personally. No one thinks about you as much as you do.
U- Use the stairs.
V- Value the people that stick around no matter what.
W- What's meant for you won't pass you by.
X- Expect the best.
Y- You can do anything you want, just not everything you want.
Z- Zero in on your priorities.