What are the basic components of kombucha?
Traditional kombucha has four basic ingredients—water, some sort of tea, sugar, and probiotic culture. So, it starts off with dried teas, herbs, flowers, or spices (depending on the flavor that we're brewing) being infused into hot water to make a tea. This is the most creative part for us. Sometimes we have a specific flavor idea, and we'll pick from teas and herbs that will help to bring that flavor profile to the front of the batch. Other times, we'll start off with an ingredient that we're curious about and just fool around with different combinations of ingredients until we find something that we think is delicious or, at the very least, interesting. After the tea is made, we dissolve organic evaporated cane sugar into it to provide food for the yeast in the batch to do its thing. When the yeast eats the sugar, CO2 is released, creating the natural fizziness you find in kombucha. Finally, the probiotic culture, or "SCOBY," is added along with some mature kombucha from a previous batch. Years ago, I grew my first kombucha culture from a bottle of raw kombucha, and all of our cultures are still distantly related to that first mother culture!
How long does it take to make kombucha?
It all comes down to the fermentation process. Once the culture and mature kombucha are added, the yeast in the culture goes to work eating the sugar, which it turns into carbon dioxide and ethanol. Then the probiotic bacteria in the culture feeds on both the ethanol produced by the yeast, as well as tannins and herbs from the teas. The process allows the bacteria to proliferate, giving those probiotic benefits that kombucha is known for, as well as giving off some healthy acids. Typically, it will take a batch between one to two weeks to mature, but because traditional kombucha is alive, each batch is unique.
So, is Kombucha ACTUALLY alcoholic?
The magic number for kombucha to be considered nonalcoholic is 0.5%. All kombucha at Renewal is measured to make sure it complies with both PA state and federal laws.
Where can I try kombucha?
There are a number of local staples in the region to try including Renewal Kombucha in Lititz. Sampling the slightly sweet, effervescent beverage for the first time can cause one's brow to temporarily furrow, but at Renewal Kombucha, even consummate connoisseurs can experience that feeling with a trove of revolving, unique combinations. Part chemistry experiment, kombucha boasts a long history and a renewed revival, teaching longtime fans, as well as novices, what happens when the perfect balance of fermentation and carefully chosen ingredients end up flowing from a tap in Lititz. Try a flight of four samples, then grab a growler or 10 ounces to sip and savor.
Jeremy Steyer, Kombucha Expert
Renewal Kombucha | drinkrenewal.com | 717-892-2918
51 N. Broad St., Lititz