Gifts that Give Hope, Saturday, December 8. An annual alternative gift fair providing holiday shoppers the opportunity to purchase alternative, fair trade, and ethically sourced gifts that support the work of local and global charitable organizations. 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Farm & Home Center, 1383 Arcadia Road, Lancaster, PA.
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1. “Hope” Card, handcrafted in Rwanda with handmade paper created by young adults who have been orphaned by the Rwandan genocide, AIDS, and malaria. Purchases provide jobs that enable orphans to support their families. $5.99, One Good Woman, 2. Necklace, purchase lifts families out of poverty with a business school that provides training, encouragement, and mentoring that builds confidence. $30, Bead For Life, 3. Earrings, handmade, fair trade, and ethically sourced. $16.50, One Good Woman, 4. Baskets, all proceeds provide medical care and treatment for poor and needy families in Ghana, West Africa. $15-60, Ghana Initiative, 5. Lemon Olive Oil, Canaan supports Palestinian farming communities and regenerative ecosystems. $12, Canaan Palestine,
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1. Cat Bed, handmade by artisans of Mai Vietnamese Handicrafts, providing income and marketing services to artisans. $8.99, Ten Thousand Villages, 2. Socks, Conscious Step is a company that creates clothing pieces with a mission. The products are made in an ethical workplace, with organic cotton, and are fair trade certified. $12.95, Festoon,
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1. Placemat, Cambodian goods by way of Lancaster to help women sex trafficking victims. $34, Imagine Goods, 2. Haitian Chocolate Lemon Ginger, Pure Dark, non-GMO, vegan, gluten free, soy free, superfood. Empowers rural families with social and environmental responsibility: paying better than fair trade, improving and then adding value to crops, reforesting with income providing trees, opening access to markets. $3.25, Singing Rooster, 3. Honey Jar, local company providing high quality and ethically sourced products made of honey and natural beeswax. $8, Chestnut Ridge Honey, /chestnutridgehoney 4. Dark Chocolate, co-owned by 85,000 farmer members of Kuapa Kokoo who get a share in the profits, a say in the company, and a voice in the global marketplace. $4, Divine Chocolate, 5. Cabernet Sauvignon Dark Chocolate, gluten-free, soy free, and vegan. Showcases chocolate that has a positive impact on the cocoa industry, supporting ethical trade and sustainable farming practices. $7.25, One Good Woman,
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1. Silver Star Bracelet, made in the USA by Chavez for Charity, a jewelry brand that dedicates their products to humanitarian issues around the world. $12.99, Festoon, shop 2. Bracelet with Earrings and Ring, Revolution Lancaster works with the YWCA and with women at the Water Street Mission who are transitioning out of homelessness. Earrings, $14, bracelet, $36, ring, $18, Revolution Lancaster, 3. Butterfly Pin, made by Trovelore to empower children with the gift of education. $62, Festoon, 4. Resilient Necklace, made from bomb casings found in the Cambodian countryside. Made by the Rajana association of Cambodia. $69.99, Ten Thousand Villages, 5. Red Bracelet, made in the USA by Chavez for Charity. $12.99, Festoon, 6. Men’s Beaded Bracelet, made in the USA by Chavez for Charity. $12.99, Festoon,