St. Nicholas Day
Hollabaugh Bros., Inc Fruit Farm and Market Carlisle Rd, Biglerville, Pennsylvania 17307

Join the Hollabaugh Family at their Fruit Farm and Market on Saturday, December 6th to celebrate Saint Nicholas day! On this day centuries ago, little children would place their shoes outside the door during the night, only to find them filled with oranges, tangerines, apples and candy in the morning. Come meet the famous Saint Nicolas in person! Celebration party includes hot chocolate, donuts, picture opportunities with Saint Nick and a Holiday craft! Sessions are scheduled for 9, 10 and 11AM and registration is required (please call 717-677-8412 to register). Fee of $10 includes snacks, story with Saint Nick and craft. Visit or call 717-677-8412 for more information.
Price: $10 per child