After it sunk in that I was pregnant and I went through all of those life changing emotions I finally thought to myself, “Oh no, I’m going to go broke buying a new wardrobe to suit this growing belly.” The more I thought about it, the more I realized I didn’t need to go broke and I didn’t need to get a new wardrobe because half of my closet actually will work with a bump, I just had to get a little creative. So for all of the moms out there, here are my tips for wearing non-maternity clothes during pregnancy.

If you’re like me and you hate wearing jeans when you’re not even pregnant, trying to fit your butt in them during pregnancy is a big no thanks! But let’s be real, I still wear them 99% of the time. During the first trimester I fit in my jeans no problem, with the help of hair ties of course! Now that I’m in my second trimester I’ve been using the Bellaband to hold my pants up. Best $17 I’ve spent! There’s also a very popular waistband extender on Amazon that a friend of mine described as “the hair tie trick, except on steroids.” It got her through her entire pregnancy without purchasing a single pair of maternity jeans!

Dresses, dresses, dresses:
I am so happy we’re finally entering dress season because dresses during pregnancy are the easiest thing! I’ve had to set aside a few of the form fitting dresses I already own after hitting my second trimester, but all of my dresses with stretchy material will easily work with the bump. If you want to expand your dress selection during your pregnancy just size up one so the dresses will also work post baby. Keep rocking those dresses mamas!
Loose fitting tops:
Majority of the tops in my wardrobe work with the bump, but I just feel most comfortable in something loose fitting. If you feel like loose fitting tops are too overpowering trying pairing it with leggings, adding a belt, or throw on a blazer or denim jacket. Being petite and pregnant sometimes I feel like I’m drowning in a loose fitting top so I always make sure I’m steering clear of baggy pants and sometimes I’ll add platform shoes. The best thing about loose fitting tops is if you’re opting out of maternity jeans, it’ll hide the fact that you can no longer zipper up those pants.

Keeping it cozy:
I want to keep myself as cozy as possible during pregnancy, so I’ll never wear something I don’t feel 100% comfortable in. Being pregnant has allowed me to discover new ways to wear certain cozy pieces in my wardrobe that I would’ve never guessed. My advice is to go through your comfy clothes and start pairing them with dressier pieces, see what works and what doesn’t work. You’ll be surprised what you can actually do with your favorite pair of joggers!
Every body grows differently during pregnancy and of course some will make a few maternity clothing purchases, either because they have too or because they feel most comfortable in them. Just remember, there are tons of ways to get use out of your current wardrobe during pregnancy and I hope these tips help!
Show us your maternity fashion on Instagram using the hashtag #SusquehannaStyle, and tag @susquehannastyle and @asmalltownfashionista.